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Particles, Fluids and Patterns: Analytical and Computational Challenges

Intensive Trimester

This is my image.
This is my image.
This is my image.

Organizers: P. Antonelli, G. Basti, G. Benomio, S. Cenatiempo, S. Daneri, L. De Rosa, N. Guglielmi, S. Modena, A. Nota, S. Olla, E. Runa, M. Simon, F. Tudisco, L. Xu

Location & time: Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy; 31 March – 4 July 2025

The aim of the trimester is to gather leading experts, graduate students and young researchers working on several topics at the crossroads of PDEs, Numerical Methods and Statistical Mechanics, including Fluids (in)stabilities, geometric variational problems, vortex dynamics, mixing, pattern formation in fluids or materials, solitary waves, scaling limits for interacting particle systems, structured dynamical systems, neural ODEs, model order reduction in high problems and parametric PDEs, data analysis and optimization.

Registration and Financial Support: Registration is mandatory and available here. The GSSI offers a limited amount of financial support for students and young researchers interested in attending the short courses during the trimester. The deadline to apply for financial support is 30 November 2024 (a motivation letter and a CV to be uploaded in the registration page and a letter of recommendation to be sent directly by the recommender to patterns at will be required).

4 Workshops

31.03-04.04Nonlocal variational problems and PDEs
07.04-11.04Coherent structures and (in)stabilities in fluids
05.05-09.05Emergent macroscopic phenomena in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
19.05-23.05Hidden structures in dynamical systems optimization and machine learning

21 Courses given by:

J. Bedrossian (UCLA)C. Greif (UBC)A. Nouy (Nantes)
O. Blondel (Lyon)M. Gubinelli (Oxford)F. Otto (MIS-MPG Leipzig)
M. Cicalese (TUM)A. Kiselev (Duke)B. Pehersthofer (NYU)
T. Gallay (Grenoble)C. Lubich (Tübingen)M. Rodrigues (Rennes)
A. Giuliani (Rome)A. Maspero (SISSA)L. Ryzhik (Stanford)
J. Gomez-Serrano (Brown)W. Michiels (KULeuven)M. Sasada (Tokyo)
G. M. Graf (ETH)C. Muratov (Pisa)Z. Xin (CUHK)